





京都大学宇治キャンパス 京都大学宇治おうばくプラザ セミナー室1・2(アクセスマップ)(構内地図




Prof. Richard Eisner, FAIA



Building Disaster Resilient Organizations in the Non-Government (NGO) Sector



In the United States many non-government organizations (community and faith based organizations (CBOs and FBOs)) provide essential services to vulnerable populations. It is estimated that more than 10% of urban and rural residents are dependent on CBO and FBO service providers for physical and mental health care, shelter, drug treatment and their daily meals. These vulnerable populations include the poor, the elderly, non-English speakers, new immigrants (both legal and illegal), the very young, the homeless and those with mobility and access needs. Without CBO/FBO service providers, vulnerable populations will be without basic services. During a disaster, these organizations will be called upon to continue their "safety net services" to their clients, and expand their services to assist those impacted by the disaster. These organizations, are by definition, emergency services providers everyday, yet they are not included in the conventional emergency management "system" nor are they guided by emergency management and business continuity standards that apply to government and the private sector (ISO, ANSI, NFPA 1600, EMAP standards are not applied to NGOs). While some of these organizations receive government funding, a majority of support is provided by individual donations, corporate foundations and private charities and philanthropic foundations. This work was initiated by the funding organizations to build capacity in organizations that deliver services during "peacetime," so they could sustain support to their clients during and after a disaster.

This presentation will describe the research undertaken by the Fritz Institute to develop and implement a process to create "resilience" in faith and community based organizations in California, including background research on the attributes of disaster resilient organizations; intervention strategies to promote organizational resilience, "soft" and "hard" resilience; and the development and implementation of A Disaster Resilience Standard for Community- and Faith-Based Service Providers.

This work was funded by Walter and Elise Haas Fund; The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; The San Francisco Foundation; Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation Foundation; S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation; Chevron Corporation; Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Foundation; and by the California Volunteers through a grant from the US Department of Homeland Security and the California Office of Homeland Security.





 京都大学防災研究所巨大災害研究センター 鈴木 進吾
 TEL:0774-38-4284 Eメール:shingoのあとに@drs.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jpをつけてください

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