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Visiting Scholars

Hideyuki Shiroshita
Trevor Tague

 Hideyuki Shiroshita (DPRI -> DDC)

Hideyuki Shiroshita is a visiting scholar at the Disaster and Development Centre from April 2007 until March 2008. He has also been a full time PhD student at Kyoto University, Japan since 2006. He was born in Kobe, Japan. He experienced the Kobe earthquake in 1995 and this is one of the reasons why he started to study disaster management.

He has been studying disaster education and has a particular interest in disaster education in schools. He obtained a master's degree from Kyoto University in 2006. The title of the master's dissertation was, "A study of disaster reduction education within the Japanese compulsory curriculum".

He is currently carrying out a comparative study of school disaster education between Japan and the UK. This study is focusing on people's sense of value of disaster education as a part of academic achievement. He has organised a series of seminars about school disaster education in the UK.

Hideyuki Shiroshita
PhD Student
Kyoto University


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