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School Disaster Education Seminars
Dealing with Disasters Conference 2007
Second JP-UK Conference
First JP-UK Conference

 Second Japan - UK Conference in Japan

The Second Japan - UK Conference was held between 17th and 19th of January 2007 in the cities of Kyoto, Kobe and Osaka. This conference was organised by DPRI, Kyoto University and DDC, Northumbria University and supported by GOF, British Embassy, The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation and The Daiwa Anglo - Japanese Foundation.
The theme of the conference was "Disaster Mitigation for Sustainable Development" and the agenda included not only academic session but also Kobe earthquake memorial center (Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institute) tour and Business session with Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Kyoto city fire department session.
The delegation consisted of the leader of Newcastle City Council, the vice chancellor of Northumbria University, the Dean of School of Applied Sciences and many others with senior responsibilities in each disaster management field.
The proceedings of the seminar were published, for further information please contact us.

Date 17th - 19th January, 2007
Venue Kyoto University, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Kyoto City fire department
Programme PDF format (900KB)
Organisers DPRI, Kyoto University, DDC, Northumbria University
Supported by GOF, British Embassy, The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation and The Daiwa Anglo - Japanese Foundation
In association with Newcastle City Council, Kyoto City Fire Department, Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service, Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service and Tyne and Wear Emergency Planning Unit



Mr. Joseph McFarland

Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institute

Kyoto City Fire Department

(C) Copyright 2007-2008, Japan - UK Disaster Risk Reducation Study Programme. All rights Reserved.